Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Assessment takes a while in Kindergarten.  It's not like I can hand out a five page paper and pencil test with multiple choice, fill in the blank, and essay questions.  In order to figure out what my students know I have to spend some sort of one on one time with each.  In my classroom I combine a little observation with more "come over here and let me ask you some questions Suzy".  I'd like for my assessments to flow better but right now, this is where I'm at and most comfortable. So a system another teacher used for anecdotal notes during writing workshop and a suggestion from one of my fellow Kindergarten teachers merged into flip clipboards.
These hang right over my desk area so I can quickly grab and go.  I have one for each "subject" from our report cards.  Actually, personal skills were sneaked into the writing folder.  Below you see one open and in use.  The inside consists of that subject's section of our report card blown up for each child.  There are four columns on each student's card, one for each quarter for me to mark up and track progress.

I can refer back to these for inputting grades in the computer as well as when looking at data on our collaboration days.  On the reverse side of the card, I can also write anecdotal notes if needed.  It is a system that has really worked out well for me!

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